#TOGOECO2023 Achievements

- #Individual
Make a positive impact on the environment and unlock the badge today! Donate a minimum of $300 to Plant A Tree campaign via this link https://www.giving.sg/garden-city-fund/togoeco2023 and provide a screenshot proof of your donation. By donating, you will help us plant one tree and make a positive impact on the environment. See more

- #Individual
- #Outdoor
Embark on a journey to discover the beauty of Singapore's park connectors and spot the various PCN etiquette banners scattered across 33 different locations. Capture your adventure by taking a selfie with at least three different banner designs and share it on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtags #pcnkindness and #TOGOECO2023 to earn your well-deserved badge! Let's spread the message of kindness on our park connectors See more

- #Individual
- #Outdoor
Be a hero of the earth by contributing to the FIRST 230,000 KM by either cycling or running towards our Community Goal to unlock this achievement. This achievement will be awarded once we cross the 230,000km mark!

- #Individual
Awarded to participants who purchase at least (3) of #TOGOECO2023 rewards upon signing up for the challenge.

- #Individual
Take a break from your busy day and explore the beauty of nature around you! Capture a picture of yourself on your favorite spot that's filled with lush greenery, whether it's a park, garden, or forest, and tag us at @togoparts_official on social media using the hashtag #TOGOECO2023 #TOGOPARTS with your Togoparts username to get this achievement. See more

- #Individual
Looking for some fun and entertainment? Check out our new TikTok channel! Follow our TikTok account, like our #TOGOECO2023 video, and mention your Togoparts username on the comment to get this achievement. See more

- #Individual
Unlock this achievement and get 7% off your merchandise purchase by referring at least 2 friends to join the event. Share the love and save on your next order! See more

- #Individual
- #Outdoor
Record at least a 7km running activity in less than 90 minutes of moving time to unlock this achievement.

- #Individual
- #Outdoor
Cycle or Run at least 14.43 km during Eid Mubarak 2023 (22 April 2023 00.00hrs - 23.59hrs)

- #Individual
- #Outdoor
Awarded to participants who record at least a 23km cycling activity in less than 90 minutes of moving time.

- #Individual
- #Outdoor
Complete 53 km cycling and or running in any number of activities during the challenge period to unlock this achievement. This is required to qualify for the FInisher Medal if you have signed up for it.

- #Team
- #Outdoor
Awarded to teams where all members record any activity on Earth Day (22 April 2023). Each activity must be at least 5km. Your team must have at least 2 members to qualify for this achievement.

- #Team
- #Outdoor
Awarded to teams where all members are finishers of the challenge. Your team must have at least 2 members to qualify for this achievement.

- #Individual
- #Outdoor
Complete 530 km cycling and or running in any number of activities during the challenge period to unlock this achievement.



